Tuesday, September 21, 2004

An Act of Defiance & Resistance

I love holy moments. Sometimes they're blatant and you can't help but acknowledge them, but mostly they're subtle and easy to miss, like a flash of lightning across a stormy sky. On Sunday during worship, I experienced one of these holy moments. After Jim's sermon we all stood and joined our voices as a congregation in singing the song of response, "Our God Reigns."

The chorus of that song is simple enough: "Our God Reins," repeated four times. But as we stood there, it began, to me, to feel like we were singing a song of resistance and defiance. To a world that shouts of brokenness we were standing and stubbornly asserting that which we know to be true: Our God reigns. Wars and rumors of wars? Our God reigns. Personal pain and grief? Our God reigns. AIDS and cancer and autism, drug cartels and terrorists and pornographers? Our God reigns.

Each time we sang that refrain it sunk in just a little more for me until, by the time the song ended, I felt as if we were singing in concert with the heavenly host, giving glory to the one, triune God who alone reigns as King; again, stubbornly, defiantly proclaiming truth.

A holy moment for me.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

It's a blessing when you can "feel" that down in your bones.