Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Church for the Unchurched?

I find the entire discussion about how to "reach" the unchurched exhausting. Everyone seems to have a theory or idea or strategy, but it seems to me that the only thing that really "works" is intentionally hanging out with people, but doing that hanging out without any sort of agenda in mind, trusting God's Spirit to be at work within the relationship in whatever way God sees fit. The problem is that most of us don't have the patience for this, let alone the desire to "hang out" with those that don't think/act/look/believe as we do.

I am fairly convinced that trying to reach "unchurched" people through the worship service is not the answer (at least not as currently conceived). Read this excerpt from an article in REV! magazine and see if you agree:

Early in 2005 an unchurched journalist attended one of the largest, worship-driven churches in the country. Here is his description of one particular service:

"The [worship team] was young and pretty, dressed in the kind of quality-cotton-punk clothing one buys at the Gap. 'Lift up your hands, open the door,' crooned the lead singer, an inoffensive tenor. Male singers at [this] and other megachurches are almost always tenors, their voices clean and indistinguishable, R&B-inflected one moment, New Country the next, with a little bit of early '90's grunge at the beginning and the end.

"They sound like they're singing in beer commercials, and perhaps this is not coincidental. The worship style is a kind of musical correlate to [their pastor's] free market theology; designed for total accessibility, with the illusion of choice between strikingly similar brands...The drummers all stick to soft cymbals and beats anyone can handle; the guitarists deploy effects like artillary but condense them, so the highs and lows never stretch too wide. Lyrics tend to be rhythmic and pronunciation perfect, the better to sing along with when the words are projected onto movie screens. Breathy or wailing, vocalists drench their lines with emotion, but only within strict confines. There are no sad songs in a megachurch, and there are no angry songs. There are songs about desparation, but none about despair; songs that convey longing only if it has already been fulfilled."

No sad songs. No angry songs. Songs about desparation, but none about despair. Worship for the perfect. The already arrived. The good-looking, inoffensive, and nice. No wonder the unchurched aren't interested.


Anonymous said...

Amen! "Christian" versions of everything secular is not the answer. Mike Horton calls this "being OF the world but not IN it."

Christopher said...

I agree to an extent, but I think we have to overtly share the gospel at times. I like the model where a church has a service once a week or once a month that people can bring their friends to so that they can hear the gospel. I don't think we do that enough because we're too embarrassed by the gospel. Shame on us.

Christopher said...

Amen brother!

paul thomas said...

Yeah, you're probably right Chris. I just yet to come across a service like you're describing that doesn't nauseate me.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the church service include law and gospel each week? This is the point behind the prayer of confession followed by the "sharing of the peace of Christ." That "peace of Christ" is the Gospel message and I thank
God that I hear it audibly every week at Good Shepherd. Without hearing the Gospel, we haven't been to a Church Service - it's only a Bible Study.

Hazel said...

I love a good Bible Study & preaching the Gospel is really important, as is evangelism but, really, ...Have we forgotten what a church service is truly about? I thought we come to worship God. You know, a WORSHIP service. And isn't worship simply our response to God and all his gifts? Of course, the music doesn't show despair! Of course it's filled with joy! Of course there is a wide range of variety way we do it. Some of us respond with sheer joy & some will respond with prayers of gratitude. If we learn something; great. If newcomers get it: wonderful. But honestly...It's not about you.

Christopher said...

As we discussed, Keller does a good job of this.

Bil, I hear what you're saying about the prayer of confession and assurance of pardon. Liturgically that works as a gospel presentation, but I think I'm talking about something more overt and descriptive.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm by no means suggesting we change that part of the service. I love it!