Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cleanse - Day 14

Man, I am weary today. Not sure if I'm not getting enough protein, if I just had too long a day at church, or if I'm tired of this cleanse. Maybe a bit of all three.

I think I'll ask Yoda for her opinion tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she'll tell me it's protein related. I'm like the cows who advertise for Chik-fil-A: "Eat mor chikin."


We had a baptism in one of our services today and I got to officiate. Really cool. I love baptisms. There is something so innocent and dependent about an infant being baptized. Little dude has no idea what is going on but the belief is that God is active, reaching into that child's life, taking the initiative to love and claim and mark out territory.

Even as a pastor I can't say that I fully understand all that is happening during a baptism. This is treading into the territory of Mystery and I've learned to just open my eyes and take in what I can. It's always beautiful.


Really wanted to finish off the leftover Hawaiian communion bread today. Passed it around to the kids instead and watched them rip hunks off the loaf, devouring it like baby birds in a nest.

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