Monday, September 21, 2009

Cleanse - The Ocho

Ever since seeing the movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, I never miss an opportunity to refer to the number eight as "the ocho." In the movie, the network that is covering the dodgeball tournament is ESPN 8, referred to by its commentators as "the ocho." I'm not sure why this strikes me as funny but it does.

So day eight of the cleanse was a pretty tame one. Eggs for breakfast, chicken stir fry for lunch, and then a new contestant, wheat pasta with grilled veggies for dinner. All good, but I would have rather had a bowl of cereal, a sandwich, and the spaghetti and meatballs the family had.


The wife claims that I am passing gas less often since starting the cleanse. This pleases her. I'm sure she's right because beer alone always makes me rather potent. A quieter, safer Paul has arrived.


There was a neighborhood dinner party last night and when it was learned I was doing this cleanse thing, the wife came home with a huge bowl of leftover salad that I am supposed to enjoy. This is very kind. But it's also a giant bowl of salad. If I ate the entire thing I'm not so sure I'd have a colon left, nor would I any longer pass the wife's emissions test.

But maybe they could cover it on The Ocho.

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