I'm getting much better at being with people who are eating things that normally I would scoop up two or three at a time. You know, eat first and ask questions later. Now I simply feel a self-righteous pity for them. Poor souls.
Today the wife was eating Cinnabon and the wife's friend was eating Twinkies and Cinnabon. I'm not making that up. (In Wall-E, weren't Twinkies the only food that survived on earth for the cockroach to eat?) I calculated in my head and the wife's calorie count was roughly 874 and the wife's friend's count was 1621. I semi-smugly ate my grilled veggies and chicken and felt sorry for these unenlightened women and their abusive colon ways.
I can see I'm going to have to be careful that I don't cleanse out my eating issues only to replace them with food snobiness issues.
Thank you for the enlightenment - if I had know that there were cinn-o-bons I would have just eaten that first and been satisfied. It was the idea of the twinkie that was appealing not the twinkie it self. :0)
Ha! You still ate it. (and I probably would have too)
Hey...it was a MINI BON! Big difference....not as many calories.
and it was worth every calorie (especially since Wesley's gets half of my calories)! mmmmm!
oops I forgot to log in as me...that above comment was not from paul.....but me
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