Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Cleanse - Day 23

One week from today I'm done. Nice.

I took a final shopping trip to Trader Joe's and picked up a final week's worth of supplies: veggies, some fruit, oatmeal, nuts and, as a special treat, some mahi-mahi (so good they had to name it twice!).

I'm already thinking about what patterns and things I'd like to carry over from the cleanse. For instance, I'm done with Diet Coke. It's been a nice run but it's time to break-up. I've kind of grown to like the green tea and if I need a soda I think I'll go with Hansen's Natural.

I really like the wheat bagels toasted up with some honey on 'em. I've been slipping a little butter on there too even though I'm not supposed to. Don't tell Yoda.

I think I'm also going to end my relationship with sugary breakfast cereals. I dig the oatmeal and I'd like to get back into granola. Fat free milk, of course.

I don't think I've ever eaten this many fruits and vegetables on a consistent basis...would like to keep that going too.

I think I can ditch red meat permanently too. The more I read about where it comes from and the entire messed up beef industry the less appealing even the juiciest steak sounds.

Of course, these opinions could all change...


Read something good enough to share today:

Thought 72 - Reverence

A sense of reverence and awe
in the presence of God
cannot be learned,
cannot be taught.
Without awe, people turn to doctrine.
Without reverence people turn to rules.
Doctrine and rules can be taught and learned.

The pastor resists the temptation to teach.
She steps out of the way and points
to the Presence of God.
Reverence and awe are born in the people's hearts.


Diane Davis said...

still following you and your fast. but giving up diet coke? now you've just gone off the deep end...

paul thomas said...

I've read enough about Aspertame to make me wonder if I need to willingly be putting it in my body.

The more artificial stuff one can avoid the better, right?

Diane Davis said...

oh good lord, now he is evangelizing to a diet coke addict... and i am so not ready for an intervention! don't you know it is more fun for the addict to have company? :)

paul thomas said...

Ha! You're making me laugh, Diane. I love the stuff too, believe me, I do.

Does it help to know that I'll still be drinking beer?

Diane Davis said...

that TOTALLY helps. i'll be down there in November and hoping to have a beer (or two) with you and the wifey.

Rebecca Snavely said...

I have to jump on the anti-aspartame band wagon -- jump on Diane! Jump!

Did you know it was first created in a test for bio-warfare? A neurotoxin, it failed the bio-warfare standards, but hey, it's sweet! Let's put it in food and drink!

Scary, scary stuff.

paul thomas said...

You say no red meat now.......but when it's time for
In n Out you'll give in.

Rebecca Snavely said...

Who me? I just passed on a 3$ beautiful burger at McCormick & Schmick's happy hour. I laugh in the face of In & Out.